Yes, we are using my maiden name-I really like the name Grayson. I think it is a strong name and a name that will last for years and years to come. The middle name "Cade" I had just liked and was really between naming him Grayson or Cade and Kyle and I decided on Grayson for his first name and something short for the middle name, so we went with Cade. I cannot wait to say, "These are my two boys-Grant and Grayson." I went to the doctor yesterday and measure right on-30 weeks and 2 days. His heartbeat was 140 and he is moving around like crazy here lately!
Kyle still has to paint the room, but hopefully that will happen in the next couple of weeks and then we can get the furniture moved in and the bedding once it is finished...I cannot wait!
This past weekend we went to Paris on Saturday evening. I was helping give a wedding shower for my friend, April. After the shower a few of us went to eat at TaMolly's (yummy)! Kyle had bought 35 pounds of live crawfish and cooked those for lunch after church out at my parents. I hated I missed the crawfish boil but was excited to see some of my good friends. Grant had a big time and even stayed in the bed all night with NaNa and Pap'Paw. WOW! He is getting too big!
Here are some pics from the shower:
Last weekend my brother-n-law-Jeremy and nephew-Kyler got baptized on Mother's Day!!! It was awesome! I am so proud of them.
Grant had a big time playing with NiNi last week when she came down. They had a big day going to McDonald's for breakfast, to the movies and had to wear the 3D glasses to watch the movie-Monsters vs. Aliens, fed the ducks, and went swimming in the backyard in his little swimming pool. HE EVEN SLEPT ALL NIGHT IN THE BED WITH HER!!!!! Kyle and I were shocked b/c he has not done that before. Now that he has, he is a pro b/c like I mentioned before he did with my parents this past weekend too.
Grant ready to dance at the Sock Hop at Kyle's school: